
Your life is a result of the choices you make

Your life is a result of the choices you make

Life is a “series” of choices. Having an opportunity to make a good choice is always there. Don’t be so quick to assume that “one” choice will directly lead to the final destination. Think of it as a chain and a bad choice as a weak link. ~ Deb Fife

We can choose our thoughts, not allow anything/one to victimize us, choose to continue moving forward with our lives no matter what the challenge. Choose to never allow anyone or any situation to rob us of our joy today. For today is all any of us have. Do what we must, however long it takes, but remember the choice is always our own to accept what is and create something better as difficult as that may be. ~ Maryann Scofield

Your choices shape your chances. ~ Marti Chain

You are the only one who can change your life. ~ Tammy Vanhaverbeke

What you are today is made of the choices you made yesterday. ~ Serena Mu

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