
When someone is nasty or treats you poorly

When someone is nasty or treats you poorly

Whoever treats you badly because somehow it feels that you are better than those. 

It does say a lot about them, but even more it makes you realize your own self worth and who you don’t need in your life. ~ Catherine Faber 

It is our responsibility to ourselves and our own well-being to not tolerate this behavior. Choose to walk away or be silent. ~ Kim Paul 

It’s like a mirror, whatever you have done or said to others is actually reflecting you are.

Start planing your new life. It’s better to be alone than with someone that does not appreciate you. 

They are revealing their own true selves, and I don’t think that they realize that at the time that they are treating you badly because when they are treating you badly, it’s so obvious that they are only thinking of their own selfish selves and they’re not thinking the impact that their negative behavior is having on you. ~ Virginia Detroyer 

Some people twist things and try to make you feel like crap. It’s their sadness that they push onto you and by doing so they try to break your spirit. Don’t let them. I am firm believer, live and let live. ~ Cindy Gowell 

They are not worth your time or concern.

When you live in the light and are being of service to others, others will try to steal your light.

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