
We should always love our parents

We should always love our parents

Love them anyway for they know not what they do. ~ Kay Jones 

Spend every moment you can with your parents, make memories that will stay with you forever. ~ Debbie Roberts 

You never get to pick your parents, but they’re the ones who brought you into this world and gave you birth. They won’t be around one day. ~ Tammy Wall 

Once they’re gone we can’t tell them how much we love them and appreciate everything they did for us. ~ Carol Castille 

If you live near your parents and you love them, make room in your life for them before it’s too late. ~ Helen Talley 

At some stage in our lives we all take our parents for granted. Sad, but true. In my case my parents are my best friends, and some of you out there who read this may think its lame and that’s fine, that’s your opinion. I have mistreated my parents in the past and I regret it, but thank God I was fortunate to have parents who love me so much that they did not give up on me and I can only dread the day they have to leave this earth. I’ve learnt that if we do right by them then we will be blessed in more ways than one. Believe it, its true. ~ Mau Neli 

What goes around comes around, so if you treat your parents badly guess what you will receive. Some will say that their parents didn’t do anything for them, but if they clothed and feed you and gave you what they could, they deserve nothing less than respect. With the way things are today, who is going to take care of you when your parents are gone. Your children will say to you, you didn’t take care of your parents why should I take care of you? ~ Linda Brown 

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