No matter how long, no matter what, true love is worth everything.
It doesn’t count on how long you have been waiting for. Sometimes it is all about the fate. ~ Rory Jiang
Sometimes, true love comes at a time when we least expect it. We might not know it but sometimes, too, the true love of our life might be someone we know ever since. And it just takes one magical moment to realize it. Yet, no matter how long it takes, it will certainly come in His own perfect time. ~ Mafi Ramos
When you are far, in different place, but your connections is very rare. A telepathic way, when you want and feel to send message to him and say words while in the other side is thinking it too and you have same thoughts and same to say. Every time it’s happened, it’s not a coincidence anymore it is true love. The same feeling ,desire, miss each other that your mind and feelings connected. Even your intimate relationship with the other side is truly amazing and still feel the presence of each other. Truly an amazing and wonderful connection I have that now and hold it, the second chance for us to feel the true love inside now in our hearts.
True love is when you act in a way which shows your feelings to the other shows your care the intensity of the feelings and the desire to be together, and true love is like a tree it grows stronger through time needs to be nursed with more feelings more care. Until it’s a big strong tree which even a storm cannot blow over, if it falls easy it was not true love also true love shows if it remains stable even in hard times and struggle not only financially. You feel also yourself, if the army of ants seems to crawl in your stomach when you hear, see and more so feel the loved one than it is strong true love. All this happen when there are intense feelings of love for another. ~ Prettyleo Peridot
You hold on now for 34 years now. But there is someone out there for everybody. This was not my first relationship. But is have been my second. God forbid he passes before me, I will probably have another relationship. God did not mean for us to be alone. He meant for us to have companionship for our lives. ~ Kimberly Kelly
True love is something you will know when it hits you. I found it at 31 only to have it taken from me never thinking I would find it again. I amazingly found it again 31 years later. I know he was sent to me and I say thank you in my prayers every day. ~ Annie Berber
When you become old that time you came to know, if you have some who loves you, even when you are old.