
Things around you maybe not how you planned

Things around you maybe not how you planned

It all works out in the end, and if hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end. ~ Unknown

Sometimes what you may have planned is not the best thing that could happen to you and sometimes it takes a little/lot of pain to realize that you need to move on and then you might appreciate the next thing that comes along so much more. ~ Debbie Brown

I always have the faith, the belief that what it meant to be, will be no matter how you go around it. It’s still take you where you meant to be. Sometimes what we want is not for our best interest and to those that love us. It is painful but we have to accept what is given because if we fight it and divert from it. The energy, resources and effort will be in vain to the end. ~ Norma Powell

 We never know God’s plan for our lives but He will show us if we wait. ~ Sandra Ridge

If you believe in God’s fate and you differentiate between fate & free well, you will have the complete contentment. ~ Ahmad Bakhsh

Life is what you make it. If it doesn’t turn out the way you planned then your plan failed and if everything happens for a reason in God’s plan, I’d love to hear His reasons. ~ Tim Byrnes

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