8 Things to Give Up When you do, you’ll be completely free and have a whole different perspective on everything in your … on November 20, 2020 Enlightening Quotes Positive Wisdom
How you’re going to live your life? I’ve quit feeling depressed about being rejected by some people that have pasted in my life as … on November 6, 2020 Choices Life Positive
Never apologize for how much love you have to give Never cry for the person who hurts you. Just smile and say : thank you for giving … on September 21, 2020 Enlightening Quotes Love Positive
Negative people need drama like oxygen Stepping back breathing enjoying the little things in life. Just being grateful for even the dust in … on September 4, 2020 Positive
Positive thoughts are not enough Actions tell the true story. Thoughts are just things floating occasionally through our minds and they are … on August 29, 2020 Enlightening Quotes Feelings Positive
You can’t always count on others to respect your feelings I choose to walk away from poison and anyone who supports poison. ~ Stephanie Cullen You can walk … on August 28, 2020 Enlightening Quotes Feelings Lesson Learned Wisdom
For every positive change you make in your life It doesn’t even have to be a huge change, just start with something small and move on … on August 24, 2020 Change Good Life Positive