As I grow older I admire kind people Intelligent and kind are even better. As I grow old I realize if you are not kind … on November 8, 2022 People
The worst thing in life The ones that laugh the loudest are often the most sad. ~ Unknown Its better to be … on November 6, 2022 Feelings Life People Yourself
The most unhappiest people in the world What other people think is none of our business nor is about us anyway. ~ Heidi Hodges Some … on October 24, 2022 Care Happiness People
Sometimes Good people make Bad choices Some people find fault like there’s a reward for it. We humans are created not to be … on October 22, 2022 Choices Good Life Mistakes People
The people still there are your true friends You meet people for a reason, a season or a “lifetime”. When the people that you thought would … on October 10, 2022 Friendship People Trust
If you care about what other people think about you Don’t bother what people think or talk bout us. After all this our life so live as … on September 15, 2022 Care People
It only takes a few seconds to Hurt people Maybe a lifetime is also not enough to heal. It hurts more when its completely unexpected. ~ Soumya … on September 14, 2022 Hurt Love People