Miserable people focus on what they hate about their life As I always say “misery loves company”. Miserable people not only focus on their miserable lives but … on October 15, 2020 Happiness Love
People will come and go in life I am very good to myself but that doesn’t mean putting out for someone who shows no … on October 13, 2020 Good Life People Yourself
If you live for people’s acceptance I’m at a age where I don’t care what people feel,think or believe about me. ~ Lucille Roberts … on October 4, 2020 People Respect
Stop giving other people the responsibility for the way you feel How people treat you certainly does affect how you feel. It is so confusing. I will continue … on September 27, 2020 Feelings People
No one is born hating another person Unfortunately, hate comes just as naturally to human beings as love. It’s which side you embrace. ~ … on September 17, 2020 Love People