No matter how much money you make It’s always quality over quantity. Time spent with your loved ones is a great factor towards happiness, … on October 3, 2020 Family Gratitude Happiness Peace
Good things are going to happen Go against the flow and you make things happen. Take life as it is. The more you get … on September 22, 2020 Faith Good Peace
Everything is going to turn out better than okay I’m going through hell but today good things will happen this night. God can do miracles. Nothing … on September 19, 2020 Faith Happiness Peace
Stop looking outside for scraps of pleasure for love It depends what your going after could be good things and those good things could lead you … on September 3, 2020 Peace Relationship Yourself
Appreciate those who are there at all times with you Sunshine friends are a dime a dozen but the rainy day friends are true. ~ Anita Popplewell … on August 14, 2020 Gratitude Happiness Peace Time