No matter how badly people treat you When people try to bring you down, it simply means you are above them. Never argue with … on December 12, 2023 Let go Move on Wisdom Yourself
Sometimes you have to give up on some people No point having anyone in your life who does not want to be there. Better to find … on October 28, 2023 Care Let go Move on
If you find someone who watches out for you Sometimes no matter how hard you try to be your best, nobody seem to feel it anymore. You … on October 6, 2023 Good Gratitude Let go Move on Smile
If it’s meant to be, it will happen Expectation is the mother of all disappointments. Never expect, just live and go with flow. You have … on August 30, 2023 Belief Faith Let go Move on
Walk away from the nonsense around you Not walk, run in a full sprint, like there’s a tiger behind you. Be wise enough to surround … on August 16, 2023 Enlightening Quotes Let go Move on Wisdom
No matter how much it hurts Keep going & always believe there is always a light at the end of tunnel. When you … on August 14, 2023 Hurt Let go Move on Perseverance
Accept! They aren’t that person anymore People change and sometimes not for the better. Sometimes you have to let go of believing the … on July 26, 2023 Let go Move on Yourself