Have the courage to blossom & smile with each new day There are always things to complain about but hey, choose the high road! All of us have … on January 24, 2022 Gratitude
Be grateful for every second of every day Try to keep the ones you love around you. Let them know how much you care for … on November 18, 2021 Gratitude Life Love
There’s about to be a shift in your life I am ready for all the positive things in my life! ~ Rita Torres on October 16, 2021 Gratitude Life Strength
Your life may not be perfect, but be blessed I count my blessings every day and the aches and pains make me know that I keep moving … on August 16, 2021 Gratitude Life Strength
Tomorrow is never promised I’m so grateful and truly blessed to have the friends that have chosen to be part of … on March 8, 2021 Family Friendship Life
Be thankful for all the difficult people in your life Be thankful for all the difficult people in your life… Thank you for the lessons learned and … on February 20, 2021 Gratitude Life
Stop focusing on how stressed you are Life is stress mollified by joy and good health. There’s a blessing in every breath you take. … on January 26, 2021 Gratitude