Never be apologetic for being the way you’re meant to be inside and out, the shallow people are the ones that are at odds with themselves, not a reflection on you but themselves. We’re not meant to be the same as another nor do we have to conform to a persons idea of perfection. ~ Kirsty Rowe
Perfection is nothing but a fake outlook. No one is perfect in this world. Though we all are trying to just to make others happy. Loosing our own self. ~ Manan Bawa
Unlike some people I guess one has to know oneself to be able to be themselves around others. It just seems to be that so many people are really confused for themselves so how could they possible be honest and real? ~ Michelle Hofmann
Sometimes people think that going against the rules and the whole world is not being fake and not being fake is doing whatever you feel like regardless if it goes with or against people opinion. You don’t have to do always the opposite in order to be original. ~ Alma Maldonado