
Sometimes you have to fight when you just want to run away

Sometimes you have to fight when you just want to run away

Sometimes the simplest things, putting one foot in front of the other and taking a step, are the hardest of all. Never give up. Forgive forgive forgive, (and start with yourself) Keep moving forward. ~ Jean Skoglund

It is overcoming the adversities and difficulties we go through in life that really make us grow, that really make us appreciate life and everything in it. So always stay strong for there is no adversity that has no hope in it, and as long as you hold on to that and take action to move forward. You will always find a light. 

Sometimes it’s the time to stop struggling against the flow and find a new way that moves smoothly along with it. ~ Therese Gramercy

All I can do is just shut up and keep fighting, there is no mercy, no question, and keep that smile, no matter what. ~ Widyo Listiakto

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  1. Bob February 14, 2014

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