
Sometimes, I’m not angry, I’m hurt

Sometimes, I'm not angry, I'm hurt

When you’re hurt you feel it deep. Anger is just on the surface. You can get over anger, it’s a lot harder to get over the hurt. ~ Margarita Rivera 

Sometimes even when you say that you are hurt and no one response back. The hurt is even deeper into the soul because that is what you want is to talk about the hurt. ~ Marie Spencer 

Anger is shallow but hurt is deep. Anger subsides in due course but some people take ages to come out of hurt, but one shouldn’t let resentment to reside in one’s heart for too long & should move on in life. ~ Rupam Soni

That was a big confusion in my last relationship. Even though I told him many times, other people can’t understand. I get angry when hurt. But who doesn’t? Then I get sad & feel too many emotions & need to be left alone. What a confusing pattern I sometimes put out. Other people’s emotions don’t scare me. ~ Linda Cross

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