They are the ones that made you pay the price, to get where you are today. It’s the kind of price you can’t put a price on. ~ Gerasimos Loukatos
Know one ever knows what a price we pay to get to where we are. Stay strong and own what you have done.
People that criticize your life need to get a life of their own.
No criticizing or complaining. Works wonders in life.
Let you design your life. Don’t care about mistakes, especially their speeches or comments about you. Put it back and go ahead. ~ Nidal Okiely
Usually people that gossip about other people business or usually jealous or has a boring life & has nothing better to do.
For some it is much easier to judge a person then to take time out to know and understand anything about whom or what they are about. ~ Wanda Greenslade
Some people also step all over people to get where they are these days as well, but there is such a thing as karma and it will come around one if these days. ~ Dottie Parker
Everyone fights their own battles. People need to realize that no matter what you are going through someone else is facing their own challenge as well.
No one knows what you’ve been through unless you tell or show them. This is why I stay out of judging. Trying change folk because we all have travelled paths paved with experiences that has lead us to become who we are today. ~ Bryant Swan
Thank you God for how far I’ve come. Overcoming many challenges, enjoying many awesome times and accomplishments, shedding many tears, receiving much much love and continuing to work on me to perfect who I can be. ~ Kelly Lomashewich
I was into body-building, eating healthy, exercising before I had this wonderful life, but now I am over-weight and I know people look at me differently, but I know that I wasn’t like this before, and I am aware of it, but people I noticed don’t want to be your friend if you are over-weight. ~ Amy McGuire
Perhaps even survive a walk in my shoes and I am so grateful the price. ~ Dorian McLean