Most people listen with the intent to reply People begin talking before the other person is done talking. Help me God to listen to understand. … on October 30, 2020 Lesson Learned People
Too many people have no idea what they can do in life After I got away from all the negative people in my life I realized I could and … on October 29, 2020 Lesson Learned People
Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much Take it a day at a time and sometimes a minute at a time. I am making … on October 28, 2020 Enlightening Quotes Heart
If you find someone who checks up on you You have to be that person first. Be happy with yourself, be the best you can. Be … on October 27, 2020 Care Relationship Smile
If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together A person is never forgotten when you carry them in your heart. Love gives an amazing … on October 26, 2020 Care Feelings Heart
Spend time with those you love As you get older, you will start to understand more and more that in life that it’s … on October 25, 2020 Care Relationship Time
Close the door of your past If you dwell on the past, you will not recognize the opportunities given to you to move … on October 24, 2020 Life Past