
Old Fashion Love Letters

Old fashion love letters

Long-hand love letters have been a wonderful tool of courtship for hundreds of years, and some of the greatest romances were begun through them. When people lived far away from each other, there was an excitement to it. An anticipation for finally receiving a long-hand reply from that special someone and no one wrote a letter back in the day with just one or two words on it (such as “lol”) because it didn’t take 5 seconds to get it to the recipient. People actually poured their hearts out onto the pages of letters or at least had intelligent conversations, made up of actual words and sentences and now, with the invention of text messaging, hundreds of years of intelligence have been tossed out the window like it’s nothing. Truly tragic indeed. ~ Kylie Jude

I find that the people who mean most to me will take the time to write a letter, or a card, and for that they are kept in a box in my room where whenever I need cheering up I can re-read them. ~ Alysha Miller

So precious, the memories these hold, let’s hope the love expressed by pen and paper coming together never fades, even in these days of modern technology of texting and emails, nothing can or should replace the emotion that can be shared between two people as that which flows when ink and thoughts and feelings combine on paper, so precious, yes, these words will become. ~ Jane Somers 

Nice to remember the old type. The way we use of sending letter to the one we love and trusting one friend, deep in our heart we feel it so much happy rather than this new type of sending messages through text and it will deleted. ~ Rizalina Del Puerto

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