Happiness comes without worries and stress goes with money.
There is no happiness without sadness. You cannot be happy or understand it unless you’ve experienced sadness.
The way to be happy is to forget being rich and famous. Give love to those who mean the most to you and let them do the same. ~ Linda Nelson
Stress and worries are part of everyday life. It is how we manage or deal with the stress and worries that counts. There is no need to be rich or famous, that is a misconception of our society. Be yourself, and chose how you will live your life and that may be without a lot of monetary gains, but remember in our world a little extra cash helps out in time of need. What defines your happiness, may be a question to ask yourself. Is there a struggle within yourself that is robbing you of a inner joy once known in the past. Ask God to help you through this. ~ Heather Jackson
I don’t need to live in a mansion, drive a luxury car, or own a private island. I don’t want to be popular, famous, or live in the spotlight. I don’t need to be a size 0, have a designer wardrobe, or look like a supermodel. I just want to be happy, healthy & have love in my Heart. ~ Lisa Maria