If someone can say bad things about other people, gossip etc there’s no way your going to escape from the same.
These people are called gossipers. Avoid them. Pray for them. When they begin to look at the true character of a person, will begin to search for good in them, not their flaws. ~ Bobbie Robertson
Be careful of dealing people. Don’t let them know more about you, especially your secrets. ~ Prettyleo Peridot
Speak love into everything and everyone, and love does find it’s way back into you. ~ Leslie Mitchell
These days, it’s hard to trust anyone. The world is full with people who will treat you sweet enough till you will learn that everything is for purpose & motive. ~ Praveen Kaur
I had a friend who would always see someone she knew when we went out at night and say, “Not my favorite person.” When I realized that she said this about so many people it made me wonder when I would become one of her “not so favorite” people. ~ Karen Armstrong