Let go

Let go of the people who poison your spirit

Let go of the people who poison your spirit

Shine with all you have, but if someone tries to blow you out, take a fresh breathe elsewhere, and burn brighter.

Everyone has issues, so I choose to show them more love because somewhere in their lives they did not receive it and may not know how to give it. They will never change with out being and learning love. ~ Ann Devlin 

So many people try to shut you down or pull you into their problems when they should be trying to change their situations. They would rather pull you back down to where they are than let you help them to get out of where they are most comfortable. ~ Sheri Moss

The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in The FRONT ROW and who should be moved to the balcony of your life. You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you are around. ~ Brigitte Nicole

I have found that there are people that I have to avoid – not hate or dislike. But remove myself from them as they have brought me down to depths of depression that I do not function as I should. However, I continue to pray for them so don’t feel that I have left them out to dry. It is the necessary treatment to keep myself uplifted and able to be able to be objective and open to God’s leading. But what works for one may not for another. Only God can show us what we need. ~ Jackie Berkey 

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