
Having a soulmate is not always about love

Having a soulmate is not always about love

It doesn’t have to be human, it can be your pet.

Everything in life it depends on a persons definition or perception of the subject. I have met 5 in my life and only 2 of them were romantic partners.

To me a soulmate has been a deeply good and understanding person in my life who I’ve felt like I’ve known forever but in this life only known a short time. They are people who have made such a profound impact on my heart that even if they’ve hurt me or left my life I feel connected to them on a spiritual level I cannot express.

They are also the people I find easiest to forgive oddly enough because something sets them apart from family, friends and romantic partners. It’s like I know they are connected to me beyond this life and I never feel unloved by them nor the need to place conditions on them nor do I need to even see them all the time to feel special.

Soulmate is deep deep stuff to me, not just someone who physically and emotionally pledges to be there through thick & thin. It’s those that may leave me physically, may have to help me achieve soul growth by hurting me but I just feel in another realm they have never left me, never will, always will love me and know what my heart and soul needs without me ever having to explain. 

~ Tammy Mansfield 

You never know what anyone can have in store for you. The biggest ignorance is rejecting something you know nothing about. If someone is your friend or best friend, they wouldn’t stop being that if you two tried to be together. If your friendship got ruined they were never your best friend. ~ Warren Rademacher 

Like anything in this world you never know until you try. There are people that are put in your life for a reason, you may learn from them weather its good or bad its all in how you look at it just like if you see a glass is it half full or half empty. Take the time to find out and you may be surprised. ~ Robin Hicks 

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