
Family is anyone who loves you unconditionally

Family is anyone who loves you unconditionally

Does my dog count as family? They give the most unconditional love. ~ Patrick Sherwood 

Family is the unity of heart and mind, not blood and a home is not the people or family we born into, but others we meet along the way! ~ Lee Wilson 

Love is something you willingly give to another. Trust is what you receive in return. Those that you trust are those that love and want the best for you and your life. Just because you love someone doesn’t mean they will love you in return. ~ Thomas Hathaway 

Family is all we have at the end of the day. Be blessed and grateful to have family good or bad. Love is all we have, spread it around. ~ Leslie Barrow 

Family does not runs with the blood. It may sometimes be your friend, someone else or anyone who treat you as part of their lives, someone who scolded you to remind something, and someone who accept understand and treat you fairly even of who you are, what struggles your going, what social status you’re in and what do you have in life! ~ Jasmine Guanzon 

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