
Everything can change in the blink of an eye

Everything can change in the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye something did change. sure I can forgive, I have to. But it’s irreplaceableness. Some people you just have to let go. 

Life’s too short to end it with regret. Focus on the positives and the negative will never win. Life is what we make it. If we didn’t have our hearts broken we would never know what its like to love. 

You may never forget some of the betrayal or nastiness but forgiveness is key to the way forward. ~ Patricia Elliot 

Forgiveness is for you to move forward not for the offender. By forgiving, you let go of the pain in your heart and soul which in turn lets go of the power the offender had over you. Without forgiveness, your soul will continue to hold onto bitterness and anger which only harms you. Forgiving also does not mean you forget or have to forget. in fact many professionals, therapist or clergy, will say not to forget therefore you protect yourself from the offender harming you again. You can rest well and know God will have favor on you for showing the act of merciful forgiveness to another but God also wants you to be wise in moving forward and not allow yourself to be dishonored and mistreated again. ~ Karen Halder 

We learn’t this lesson the hard way after our devastating earthquakes here in Christchurch, N.Z. Everything can and does change in an instant. Our lives have never been the same again and Most people here view life very differently too. People matter much more than possessions. ~ Michele McCormack 

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