
Don’t lose Hope! Everything happens for a reason

Don't lose Hope. Everything happens for a reason

Keep the Faith up. The best is yet to come!

When you have hope you keep going, as long as the candle of hope is burning you can relight the other candles. Life comes just once, so let’s make the most of it. God didn’t give us everything to enjoy life, but He gave us life to enjoy everything.

Always think about new coming moments and how the ones that make you feel worried are going to be a distant past one day. ~ Penny Auctions

Those reasons are a result of ones actions, whether directly or indirectly. God gives use the ability to choose, it is up to us to choose wisely. ~ Sheila Thurmond

Everything in the universe is subject to change and everything is on schedule. Live for today and hope for tomorrow. What God has for you it is for you. ~ Sandi Cabell

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