No matter how long the road seems to be don’t look back because you will see it longer life is not easy but if you always look at it that way you will be more difficult I am talking by experience so look right in front smile and keep walking good vibes every body God blessings. ~ Nicole Albors
Mostly things happen because they happen. Reason has nothing to do with things happening. Embrace the randomness of life. ~ Bob Nielsen
Sometimes you backtrack because you think what you dropped or lost is worth going back to, but then again you cannot keep going backwards, so you get back on the forward track to finish your journey. ~ Norma Powell
As painful as it seems at times. Go with the “trust” as looking backwards. May have some badly needed lessons but also comes with usually a lot of pain that doesn’t need to be replayed too many times in your heart. ~ Cherie Van Boxtel
Continue on your life’s journey moving forward. Nothing to be gained by travelling backwards. ~ Jane Somers
God give us problem to make us grow up & more strength to face of the life. That’s life. ~ Liv Novy
Look to the past and remember but never live in the past for those who live in the past are doomed to repeat the past. ~ James Larock
Not looking back long enough to grieve a loss causes major problems on every level. We need to understand that grief is healing, and not just numb out this extremely important emotion. Once a person grieves fully, instead of stuffing the sorrow, a person moves on in a healthy way. People who stuff grief don’t complete the full grieving cycle, and those stuffed feelings will act out, one way or another, negatively. ~ Piper Devi
The Road of Life is a two way street met with one side for the good times and one side for the bad times. Its up to you to decide which road you take because when you come to the end of the road threw all the turns and curves life will try to throw at you. You will be judged on your stretch of road.