
Don’t ever Try to tear me down

Don't ever Try to tear me down

Positive thoughts are what makes my day easier. ~ Stephen Barbee 

Start with a smile. Things will be very positive everywhere else. ~ Jacqui Dems 

Some people make it very hard as they like trying to make people as miserable as they obviously are. ~ Stephenie Crank 

It’s always best to stay positive. Life in itself has a way of working things out. ~ Robin Stevens 

The ability to stay positive in spite of all that is going on around us can sometimes be a challenge. Negative thoughts start to take over, stress & difficult people. I’m a firm believer that if you start your day with a positive attitude, try not to sweat the small stuff, be good to people and be thankful, it’s going to be a wonderful day. ~ Brigittie Nicole

It’s the start to changing how you deal with things. We all have problems & issues. It’s how you choose to deal with them that can change your outlook. No use in being miserable all the time. Life is short. Make the best of it and try to stay positive. ~ Karen MacAulay

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