If you don’t follow your Heart When it says follow your heart, it really means follow your intuition, because intuition is your heart … on April 28, 2023 Heart Life Love Yourself
Life has knocked me down a few times What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Walk away and don’t look back. We all have gone … on April 22, 2023 Attitude Hurt Life Perseverance Wisdom Yourself
Sometimes, you just need a break Aloneness and silence are profound learning experiences. Sometimes we need to just sit back and count our … on April 10, 2023 Mind Peace Yourself
All Good things coming on your way Even to bad or frustrating things because that things happen for a reason to have bright tomorrow … on March 28, 2023 Good Yourself
If something is hard for you to achieve We all are different and operate on different levels of something being hard for us. Everything happens … on March 26, 2023 Inspirational Perseverance Yourself
There are very few people who will always be true to you You can never depend on anyone but yourself. Be yourself, everyone else has already been taken. Haters … on March 24, 2023 People Trust Yourself
You have to go through the worst times in life to get the best Life is a Journey, not a Destination. Enjoy the Journey as best you can. Stay in your … on March 22, 2023 Life Time Yourself