If anyone betrayed you We have to forgive. It’s a gift we give ourselves. Sometimes we can’t see because we trust … on October 26, 2023 Forgiveness Good Heart Yourself
Thank God for another day We will waste the day, whining, complaining and blaming others and forgetting all about God and what … on October 16, 2023 God Gratitude Yourself
Never change your originality for the sake of others Change is good but not when you’re doing it for somebody else the only good for you … on September 24, 2023 Change Yourself
When people stare at you I have people who come into work on the next shift who like to keep looking at … on September 8, 2023 People Yourself
Why people tried to bring you down? People are always going to try to bring you down but you have to smile, stay positive, … on September 2, 2023 Hurt People Yourself
If you don’t leave all the anger, hatred & bitterness behind Don’t hold hate, bitterness, unforgiveness or resentment. Life is too short and you may be missing so … on August 12, 2023 Forgiveness Let go Yourself
Accept! They aren’t that person anymore People change and sometimes not for the better. Sometimes you have to let go of believing the … on July 26, 2023 Let go Move on Yourself