When you complain, you make yourself a victim Lessons repeat themselves till they are learned. Never accept anything that makes you feel bad about yourself, … on October 10, 2020 Change Yourself
You will survive whatever is coming on your way Trust yourself and you will survive no matter what may come along and as long as you … on September 18, 2020 Trust Yourself
Cutting some people out of your life You can love someone and forgive them a 1000 times over, but cutting them out of your … on September 16, 2020 Life Respect Yourself
When you have to start compromising yourself for someone It’s hard to walk away sometimes, but then you’re glad you did. Be strong and stand up … on September 11, 2020 Wisdom Yourself
The most powerful thing you can do for yourself When you forgive somebody it is freedom for yourself to let go your anger! Forgiving ones self … on September 10, 2020 Forgiveness Yourself
Stop looking outside for scraps of pleasure for love It depends what your going after could be good things and those good things could lead you … on September 3, 2020 Peace Relationship Yourself
The more respect you have for yourself Being positive for yourself is the best feeling ever the feeling of being alive. If you have … on August 31, 2020 Happiness Respect Yourself