People who never look at time when you need them When you love someone, you will make time for them no matter what, no excuses. ~ Gemma Morales … on October 10, 2023 Care Love People Respect Time
When people treat you like they don’t care People who don’t bother or even care for you, just wave them goodbye and move on with … on October 4, 2023 Belief Care Faith People
The people whom we have known only a short amount of time You can have a short encounter with someone and remember them for the rest of your life … on September 10, 2023 Friendship Heart People Relationship Time
When people stare at you I have people who come into work on the next shift who like to keep looking at … on September 8, 2023 People Yourself
Why people tried to bring you down? People are always going to try to bring you down but you have to smile, stay positive, … on September 2, 2023 Hurt People Yourself
People can say that they care What people do is so much more revealing than what they say. Love is a verb (John … on August 24, 2023 Care Gratitude Heart Love People
People who love you for who you are There are two different kinds of people in this world: Givers and takers. The takers may eat … on August 22, 2023 Family Friendship Love People Relationship