When someone appreciates everything about you My experience to date has been that after leaving the one who took my greatness for granted, … on February 14, 2024 Care Feelings Gratitude Heart
Physical attractions are common The longer the relationship lasts, the more important the mental connection becomes. Attractions and connections can only … on January 20, 2024 Feelings Mind
The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone You can disagree on many – many things and still have respect for each other. But the … on December 26, 2023 Feelings Let go Move on
Some people forget the times you were there for them I’ll never forget how many countless times you were there for me when no one else was. … on December 8, 2023 Care Feelings Heart
Always Trust your gut feelings When you don’t listen to that little voice you will regret it. Learning to trust & believe … on November 30, 2023 Belief Faith Feelings Trust
Your presence & absence both mean something to someone Absence makes the heart grow fonder and presence makes it more stronger. If you care about someone … on November 24, 2023 Feelings Inspirational Relationship
You don’t have to make room for people who cause you pain The problem is that toxic people are usually manipulators and control freaks who prey on those of … on November 20, 2023 Change Family Feelings Friendship Life People Relationship