Choice Today I choose to be motivated, not manipulated We always have a choice. This determines how our minutes of each day turn out and how … on September 14, 2020 Change Choices
For every positive change you make in your life It doesn’t even have to be a huge change, just start with something small and move on … on August 24, 2020 Change Good Life Positive
People change so that you can learn to let go Trust no one but yourself and God! Ultimately, it is only you, your inner voice you must … on August 22, 2020 Change Lesson Learned Let go Trust
Things will change for the better You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because He trusts in you. Do … on July 26, 2020 Change Good
People will notice the change in your attitude towards them Sometimes the reason why you change your attitude is because of the way some people treat you. … on July 19, 2020 Attitude Change People
If you don’t like how things are around you 5 years ago my family packed a suitcase for four, got on a plane and moved across … on May 24, 2020 Change Let go Move on