Lesson Learned

Being nice to someone you dislike

Being nice to someone you dislike

There are times when you are in situations where you have to be around someone you can’t stand being around. The mature thing is to be generally polite. They shouldn’t matter enough to even bother to talk about behind their back. ~ Maryann Rood

My mom use to say even if you don’t like that person smile at them because that will piss them off even more.

In certain business situations you may have to be around someone you don’t like, but you must be professional enough and mature enough to tolerate your dislike for them to accomplish a goal or a task or even just to work with them every day. ~ Donece Thomas 

Sometimes, it is all in the understanding that you can impossible like everyone. I have more then once worked with those that I just could not find anything to like about, still we did work well together. If you can be brave enough to admit you can not be in the liking of others all the time either and that visa versa you can not like everyone in the world, then I think there would be a lot less trouble with the bloody bullying to start with. Just accept that things are what they are, don’t assume, don’t judge, just let it happen and you might be surprised of what can come from your accepting, but kind spirit! ~ Gandrewah Mellisant 

If it’s a family member, right in your house because she has nowhere else to go and it would be cruel to kick her out in the street homeless. You just have to try to be tolerant. When things become too stressful and unbearable, get out of the house for awhile, refresh yourself, enjoy yourself with friends. When you come home, hopefully things become better. I simply try to ignore & try to go on with my life. ~ Belen Hidalgo 

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