
Allow yourself to Hope, Believe and Trust again

Allow yourself to Hope, Believe and Trust again

Leave the ones that create the bad memories behind. Life can be much better. ~ Cindy Gowell 

Don’t think all men are bad just like all women aren’t bad.

Let go of the ghosts in the past, and move on to God’s beautiful journey. ~ Kelly Wolf 

Do not mind some people and their ugly feelings. ~ Raquel Ybarra 

Never allow anyone else determine how you feel. ~ Robert Robidoux 

Don’t let one disappointment ruin the hopes of tomorrow. ~ Prudy Lacaman 

See bad memories as invaluable life lessons of what not to do and what to avoid. ~ Lisa New 

No matter how many times we stumble, get brush and go, let every bad fall be a joyful experience in your life.

We must have a forward looking frame of mind and not a backward glancing regretting one. ~ Joseph Chan

Just remember no one is perfect. We all mess up from time to time. ~ Chrissy Bredl 

Pick yourself up dust yourself down, and start again.

The piano has black keys which are the bad moments & white keys are the good moments, both of them can make a beautiful song. This how life is. 

Without forgiving the people who hurt you, those wretched chains still hold you in their grip. Forgive, just say you choose to forgive and already the chains start breaking. You can live again, you can go on. ~ Diana Clancy  

God’s word to be with me and help me trust again, and if it be God’s will. I may meet a man for love and happiness together in God’s love. ~ Kathy Lewis

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