
A beautiful expression of love

A beautiful expression of love

We are not here to see through each other, we are here to see each other through simple acts of kindness. ~ Donna Fuller 

Though it can hurt deeply, in love, but their happiness comes first. ~ Alyssa Jeffries 

True love is letting them go and wishing them best. ~ Chris Turner 

If you really love someone, it is about their needs and wants and not yours. ~ Katherine Theresa 

You can only understand the depth of this statement, when you have actually lived it. ~ Bobbie Smith 

I wish you the best in the world and I mean that from the very deep of my being. I have never love anyone like I did you. May you be happy whatever endeavors you are venturing and joyfulness and peace surround you.  ~ Norma Powell 

I sure do want the best for my children and want them to be happy whether that means I’m a part of it or not. ~ Brigitte Nicole

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